I have relatives who have appeared to me after their passing. They appear as a swirl of light energy. A music box used to chime when the deceased wife of my mom’s (now ex-boyfriend) would visit the home. I have grown up seeing apparitions (“ghosts” or figures in a human-like image but made of only light) and other phenomena. The afterlife is a place of light; people who have had near death experiences have described there being colors that do not exist in the physical realm. Those people were pronounced dead, went to Heaven, and came back to tell their stories. The ability to transcend time on earth can be understood in the context of matter versus energy. The physical realm is a biological function that sustains life. Energy however does not require matter to exist (all matter needs energy for sustainability). The death of the physical body is laid to rest and the biological composition of the body undergoes decomposition. However, energy cannot be created or destroyed but transfers state (the second law of thermodynamics). Hence, death is a transition from a material body (matter) to a spiritual body (radiant light energy).

My dog passed away last year. He died in my home and we covered him with a towel and watched him take his last breath. My partner says he waited for me to come downstairs until he let himself pass. While I stood in front of the window on a summer day (the AC had it very cold in my house) on a day that truly was very overcast (no sun) my face was engulfed with heat. That heat that permeated my face was Miles. That was his soul (radiant heat energy) saying his last goodbye. I took Miles in from the shelter. They guessed he was 7 years old. He was positive with Lyme Disease in which the vet explained that Lyme causes kidney failure. I had Miles for 5 years. I loved him dearly.

There is so much more I could write. I’ve written books about what I feel I have learned from reading all the NDE’s I could find. I’ve had numerous experiences with what survives after death. It’s a very real occurrence.

My grandmother died recently. She told me a month ago at Pop’s funeral (her husband) that she wanted to be with him. They are together now in Heaven. I like the idea of the place after death being described as Shambhala as well as in the Tibetan culture.

Recommended by Candace:
90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper
Embraced by the Light by Betty Eadie
Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo
The Girl Who Saw Heaven by Lisa Reburn

Also a great read: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

They are so good and well worth the read!!

Candace Meredith | November 20, 2024 | candacemeredithbooks.com

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